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Do I Have To Pursue A Degree With Online Education?

If you are interested in becoming more knowledgeable in a certain subject but are not ready to commit to a degree, you may find yourself wondering if there are online courses available to meet your needs. Conveniently, there are thousands of online courses dedicated to teaching information on subjects without requiring you to obtain a degree.  Below are some examples to help get you started.

Learn to Code Without a Degree

One common misconception is that to learn to code or become a computer or software programmer, you must obtain a degree. The reality is, there are many alternatives available to allow you to learn to code without obtaining a degree. Some of the most popular options are:

  • Enroll in online courses for free with course providers such as edX, Coursera, and Codecademy.
  • Enroll in a coding bootcamp for half the price of a college degree. Many of these programs offer job guarantees.
  • Watch YouTube tutorials to understand basic concepts and then apply them to real-life projects.

All of these options are available at a fraction of the cost of a degree. These are great alternatives to dip your feet into a subject before committing to it or to learn online in general. Many self-taught programmers can even go on to gain a career with large tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook.

Art Appreciation

Interested in art but not sure where to start? Thousands of online courses are available to teach students interested in art about the different styles, periods, and artists worldwide. If you want to become the ultimate art guru, you do not need to obtain a traditional degree. 

Instead, you can take courses online, visit virtual exhibits, and study additional materials to understand art better worldwide. Online course providers like Udemy, Coursera, and edX provide free online courses for those looking to learn about the arts without obtaining a degree. 

Economics and Statistics

Whether you are preparing to obtain a degree in economics in the future or want to understand the stock market and best banking principles, there are many online opportunities to learn. 

Many of these courses provide certificates of completion to prove they have been completed. They are often free, affordable, and self-paced, increasing their value to the student and empowering them for future financial decision-making.

Language Learning

If you are interested in learning a new language or want to advance a language you already know the basics of, online learning is another great tool. Online course providers like Udemy, Coursera, and edX provide online language courses in languages such as Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, and more. 

Instead of pursuing a secondary degree in the language students can enroll and take these self-packed courses to advance their careers and knowledge to assist them in meeting future goals.

Online Learning: Degree Not Required

Online education opens the doors to a wide array of alternatives for students. There is no one-size-fits-all model that allows more people to learn and grow daily. Whether you are looking to obtain a degree or simply learn a new skill, online learning is the perfect complement to any education plan.

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